Proper Employee Documentation Protects Your Business

Creating and maintaining accurate and legally compliant documentation allows you to manage situations more effectively and make fully informed decisions about your employees. It can also potentially protect you from liability claims and ensures you meet the Data Protection Legislation.

We offer a free 30-mintue consultation to new clients, so please call 01798 890021 if you need advice on updating your HR documentation.

Onsite HR Audit

If you would like a more detailed review of what you have in place we can spend half a day or a day (time spent dependent on number of employees) onsite at your premises to carry out a thorough review of the documentation, policies, procedures and systems you have in place to ensure you are legally compliant and have everything you need for managing your employees effectively. Following an onsite audit we will provide you with a written report summarising our findings and will make recommendations for immediate, short and long-term improvements.

Fair selection and recruitment

Carrying out recruitment and selection activities that are fair, consistent and free from discrimination is important and ensures you recruit the most suitably skilled and qualified person for the role. 

Metro HR can help you manage a recruitment program from start to finish and help you with writing job descriptions, appropriate job adverts, setting up relevant application methods, reviewing and shortlisting applicants fairly, interviewing with consistent interview questions and scoring matrix, providing feedback and making offers of employment.

New starter documentation

It is absolutely essential that your HR documentation is accurate from day one and legally protects your business, minimising the risk of confusion or a dispute further down the line.

New starter documentation including a well drafted offer letter, a legally sound contract of employment and a clear and up to date job description is vital for ensuring new employees have a clear understanding of their employment terms and rights and their roles and responsibilities. Pre-employment checks should also be carried out to ensure your new hire can legally work for you and that you quickly and consistently get all the information you need to set a new starter up and start paying them.

Metro HR can help you create a new starter documentation pack and processes to help you carry out all of the necessary pre-employment checks such as right to work checks, obtaining references, checking qualifications, assessing any health or disability adjustments required and the drafting of offer letters and contracts. Alternatively, we can review your current documentation. Whether created or reviewed we would ensure it conforms with your company values and the latest legislation and industry best practices.

Once prepared, contracts of employment should be reviewed regularly to keep them up to date with legislation and make sure they continue to protect your business. Metro HR can review your contracts of employment at any time and make recommendations as appropriate.

Accurate & clear job descriptions

A well written job description clearly sets out the expectations you have of your employees from the outset of their employment.

Having a good up-to-date job description in place is a great way to avoid being in a situation where you don’t know whether your employees are fulfilling their duties or not.

Metro HR can write you job descriptions that would enable anyone who reads them to have a clear understanding of the purpose, duties and responsibilities of that job. With a good job description in place you set out clear-expectations for your employees. If you subsequently find that your employee is not fulfilling their duties you can refer back to the job description and start to explore why this is happening. You are then well equipped to address the situation with the employee and where necessary engage in the formal disciplinary process for poor performance.

Company policies & procedures

Company policies and procedures provide you with a framework to manage your staff consistently and fairly.

Love them or hate them, these critical documents whether legally required or essential to help avoid ambiguity and liability need to be written specifically for your business, to cover everything you do while remaining user-friendly and accessible to all.

Metro HR can help you decide whether to have a suite of policies or one employee handbook and we can create policies that cover your organisation, promoting good practices and reflecting your culture. We can also help you think how best to communicate to your employees about your HR documentation, where it is and what it covers and what they need to know. Policies and procedures help new staff to learn the correct way to do things, reminds existing employees of the ways they should be doing things and sets expectations of how certain situations will be handled by the business, such as grievances and disciplinaries.

Induction programmes

A properly structured induction programme will ensure that employees are quickly welcomed, settled and integrated into their new work role in a business as effectively as possible and can help keep recruitment costs down.

Induction plays an important role in the employee engagement process and it is well documented that employees that are inducted well stay with organisations longer and those employees that are left to find their own way can feel undervalued from day one. It is a great opportunity for you to communicate your businesses values and culture, as well as your company policies and procedures.

Metro HR can help you develop an induction programme, where employees will have all their necessary initial orientation, safety, training and information needs addressed. The programme will be designed to run alongside the company probationary period and will help to determine whether an employee wants to stay in the business and whether they are suitable for the job long term.

Performance review systems

A performance management system based on regular conversations and meaningful feedback is designed to help ensure your employees are performing to their full potential, that will help boost the businesses productivity.

Not dealing with poor performance can have a considerable negative impact on your business. Reviewing and discussing employee progress and performance should start in the induction and probation process, identifying and addressing any problems early on.

Metro HR can help you design your employee performance management process and train your managers to use it. We can make sure your processes are legally compliant and we can guide you through how to deal with poor performance. Out-sourcing the development of your employee performance management system to Metro HR will ensure that staff reviews are regularly carried out to the highest standards.

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Mergers, Acquisitions and Company Transfers – Due Diligence Auditing

If you are looking to acquire or merge with another business either through a business transfer (TUPE), by purchasing a business or by purchasing the trade and assets of a business in difficulty, you may inherit employees as part of the transfer or purchase. It can be very challenging bringing two businesses together that may have very different corporate cultures, ways of working, management styles and policies and procedures. Employees in the transferring business may be very worried and anxious about the job roles.

With our extensive expertise our consultants can help you collect and analyse key HR data and information to help you identify issues, risks, costs, opportunities and potential savings and could help you determine whether the merger or purchase should go ahead. If you decide to proceed, we can help you ensure you are fully informed of the HR position.

Involving an HR expert early in the process can help to ensure that legal requirements for consultation are met, that any liabilities or risks are known in advance and where possible minimised, and that the transition is smooth and well managed for both businesses and all employees.

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